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  • Writer's pictureBrother Gabriel

Who Is Jesus Christ To You?

Updated: Feb 19

In Matthew, chapter 16, we find a very interesting conversation that takes place between Jesus and his disciples. Jesus questions them as to who they think he is or who they believe he is. The disciple Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus then affirmed that he did not come up with this. It was not thought of by his flesh, but the heavenly Father revealed this truth to him.

In this reality, this question is important for everyone to face at some point in their life on earth: the matter of who is Jesus Christ to you? There are a lot of different opinions circulating out there, but the reality, the fact of the matter is, there can only be one true answer. Some religions like Islam teach that Jesus Christ was a good teacher and a good prophet, but they deny his deity and his position as the Son of God. Then you have other religions like the Jehovah's Witnesses, who teach that Jesus is the archangel, Michael, when the scripture clearly and blatantly denies this false teaching.

There are so many different viewpoints on Jesus, but as I mentioned before, there can only be one true and sure answer. So, what is Jesus Christ or who is Jesus Christ to you? We must all come to this question, and we must all face this reality and come up with some kind of answer at some point in our lives before our life runs out.

According to Jesus, he made many claims to his persona regarding who he is. Jesus made it very clear in John chapter 8, verse 24, that if you don’t believe that "I am he," you will indeed die in your sins. The word "he" was added in italics and is not found in the original text. So, what Jesus is saying is, if you don’t believe that "I am," which is the divine name of God, then you will indeed die in your sins. By saying this, Jesus makes it very clear that he wants everyone to know that he is the "I am," and if we do not believe that he is who he says he is, then we will indeed die in our sins.

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