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  • Writer's pictureBrother Gabriel

'We are Trusting in Jesus': Afghanistan’s Christians Face Elimination - Christian World News

Christians in Afghanistan are facing elimination at the hands of the Taliban, brothers, and sisters.

Christian persecution is a very real issue around the world. For those in the West, it may seem far removed because we are not experiencing the same challenges. However, our brothers and sisters around the world, such as those in Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban, are facing intense persecution.

The Taliban is very infamous for killing people who apostate from Islam, and that is exactly what the Quran calls for and says for a true Muslim to do. There are over 5000 to 8000 Christians in Afghanistan who are in danger of this regime takeover, and we need to pray for them.

They are strong in the faith and they are standing their ground very firmly in the faith, trusting in the Lord to watch over them. We as brothers and sisters need to be there for our Christian brothers and sisters who are going through this type of persecution.

Let us continue to pray for them and stand strong in the faith for them.

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