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  • Writer's pictureBrother Gabriel

UK Doctor Fired For Refusing Trans Pronouns Fights On: 'Christians Have to Stand Up'

This doctor from the UK was fired for refusing to use trans pronouns. This is getting insane because we are all going to have to face this in one way, shape, or form in the future. These stories, although they may seem isolated in the West, but in reality are starting to grow more and more, and the laws that are starting to come about are specifically targeting Christians, even though they’re being veiled with the whole free speech or harassment protection clause, or whatever they want to call it.

But in actuality, they are there to try to constrain and restrict Christian beliefs, and we as Christians do need to be prepared to defend the faith, to stand for the truth, and of course, to deal with the consequences that come with standing up for the truth. In this man’s case, he lost his livelihood, he lost his job, but of course, we know that God is still going to provide and still make a way for him.

So what will we do when the time comes when our livelihoods will be threatened? Will we stand up for the faith? Will we stand up for the truth? Only time will tell. It’s about those who endure to the end. The Bible says they will be saved, and we cannot deny Jesus no matter what kind of pressure they put on us. Be strong, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, and stand firm in the faith, and stand firm for what’s about to come because the persecution will mount, the persecution will increase, but we will bow and stand firm on the rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ, our Savior, and Lord!

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