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  • Writer's pictureBrother Gabriel

Survivor of Mao's China tells Tucker Carlson the US is heading toward communism after rearing generations of 'Marxists' now running schools and colleges: 'It must be stopped!'

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of Mao's Cultural Revolution in China, drew chilling parallels between her childhood experiences and the current state of affairs in the United States. Van Fleet's forthcoming book, titled 'Mao's America: A Survivor's Warning,' serves as a stark cautionary tale, highlighting the potential dangers of America descending into a Marxist regime. Central to Van Fleet's concerns is the pervasive indoctrination she observes within American educational institutions, spanning from kindergarten through higher education. Through her firsthand perspective, Van Fleet raises alarms about the ideological influences shaping the minds of young Americans and the potential consequences for the nation's future.

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